Gary Yamamoto 10-inch Kut Tail Worm: This one is a little more finessey than the first three, but at 10 inches it’s still a big presence.Strike King 10-inch Rage Tail Anaconda: When you want to move a little bit more water or catch the attention of the fish in dirty water or from a distance, this ridged scythe tail gets the job done.

13 Big Squirm 10-inch Ribbon Tail: A newer comer to the party, this bait has micro ribbing evocative of the infamous Senko and provides a similarly subtle wiggle.There’s a 12-incher too, but they come five to a pack for a buck more than eight 10-inchers, so I’m not sure that the juice is worth the squeeze. Durable, proven scent, and a big old ribbontail that flutters on the way down with the slightest bit of manipulation or even while sitting on the bottom in slight current. Berkley 10-inch Power Worm: This is the OG.